Reading The Hundred Dresses wasn’t enough for the girls at Countryside Montessori School. After completing the story, the girls analyzed the story by identifying the theme, plot, setting, protagonist, antagonist, conflict, climax and resolution. Had they had enough then? NO!
They next decided to scour the text for all the information that helped them to learn about the characters. They then took that information and created representations of what each of the girls imagined the characters looked like. Job well done.
But wait… Mrs. Calise, their teacher, mentioned to the girls that a play based on the book was showing at The Royal George Theater. So the girls organized a trip down to see the show last Friday. They used the Internet to find out the times and ticket prices, found some parents willing to accompany them to the show, got driving directions, explored parking options, and off they went.
They are finally satisfied. But, who knows where the next book will lead.
Published in TribLocal